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Sunday, April 25, 2004

Monday, April 19, 2004

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Totally Fed Up Dept.

Bush gets a free pass from the White House press corps.

Too much bad news to even post here.
This is what's happening

Wednesday, April 07, 2004


1. Observe carefully the strength, intensity and thoroughness of the FOLLOW-UP questions Dr. Rice is asked. Initial queries during recent hearings were reasonably tough; but the failure comes in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th questions, where testimony inconsistencies can begin to appear. Poor intensity and lack of rapid, well-paced follow-up indicates either lack of preparation or an intentional desire to let Dr. Rice off the hook. (3,000 death mass murder investigation) Look to see if there is an air of amiability, socialness, familiarity and general lack of serious atmosphere. Are members continually grinning--ignoring the gravity of the matter at hand?

2. Watch to see if Dr. Rice is asked to discuss specific details surrounding Pakistani General Mahmud Ahmad's visit to WashDC one week prior to 9-11. Ahmad had $100,000 wired to alleged terrorist Mohammed Atta a few weeks prior to the attacks. Colin Powell testimony confirmed Pakistani intel in town that week. Reports say Powell and Richard Armitage met with Ahmad during week, and Joint 9-11 Congressional Intelligence Cmte. co-chairmen Sen. Bob Graham (D-FL) and Rep. Porter Goss (R-FL) plus Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) met Ahmad on morning of attacks! Talk about questions!!! The issue is important since Federal officials were talking to the man providing funds for the lead terrorist--yet no one has explained the contents of the meetings! Evidence indicates CNN and White House doctored transcript reference to Gen. Ahmad--only Fed. Doc. Clearinghouse named Ahmad in Condi's May 16, 2002 "damage control" press conference--regarding NY Post "Bush Knew" headline that day.

3. The potential perjury-trap question the commission must ask: Dr. Rice, did you call, email or fax San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown to warn him not to fly on September 11? Regardless of your answer and since 3,000 people died, will you make your personal and official phone records, fax records, and computer hard-drives showing electronic communications during June-July-August, 2001 available for media inspection? (Rice is on the boards of SF's Chevron Oil and San Francisco Symphony, et. al.--is well-connected to same social circles as Mayor Brown--said to be a close friend.) COMMISSION FAILURE TO ASK THIS KEY QUESTION WILL INDICATE IT IS COMPROMISED.

4. Observe if question concentration centers upon months/weeks BEFORE September 11 rather than ON 9/11. Actions of Bush, Joint Chiefs' Gen. Myers, and Rumsfeld during nearly 2-hour time-line of attacks are INDEFENSIBLE within context of pre-attack "set your hair on fire" intel briefings and Sibel Edmonds' translations of intel intercepts re: "planes used as weapons." This is CRUCIAL! Careful examination of cooperativeresearch.com 9-11 time-line will set YOUR hair on fire!

Friday, April 02, 2004

Anti-Abortion Activist Convicted of Molestation
do tell . . .

Thursday, April 01, 2004

US's Heavy Hand Behind Brazil's Military Coup
On March 31, 1964, just declassified documents show, the American ambassador to Brazil received a secret message from the U.S.
It stated that President Johnson had decided to send a naval
task force to take up position off the coast of Brazil and
assemble an airlift of ammunition and CS agent, a gas for mob control.

"From unseemly flatteries they passed by degrees to savage acts."   --   Annals by Tacitus

More Weasle Fun! -
Bush Jr. rap sheet  IDIOT! IDIOT! IDIOT! take that, Nicholas Kristof! Selected Not Elected Squatter! Cant ride a horse either! Those jets STOOD DOWN on 9-11! WEASEL! Lying weasel, usurper lying weasel, idiot usurper lying weasel, weasel weasel!!!

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Chris Floyd's This is Wire Tap - the Source

TREASONGATE - A List of who in the chimp administration is testifying before prosecutor Fitzgerald.

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