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Friday, October 21, 2005

Fitzmas ideas

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Jane Hamsher: Patrick Fitzgerald and the NeoCons

[article goes on about Brit media scandal with Lord Black]

Then recently, in his dogged climb to the top of the crap heap upon which Black himself is perched, Fitzgerald managed to flip Chicago Sun-Times publisher David Radler, who has agreed to serve 29 months and turn state's evidence.

We'll pause here for a moment to enjoy a roundly amusing side note regarding Radler, which ought to entertain anyone who relishes the thought of these kleptocratic white collar creeps behind bars:

Radler... is a notorious germaphobe and hypochrondiac, according to an ex-colleague.

During his years traversing the country as an executive for Black's Hollinger International, he refused to stay in any hotel other than the Four Seasons. A source related the tale of when, years ago, company execs were on a road show meeting with prospective investors in a Four Seasons-less Cincinnati.

When meetings wrapped up, Radler insisted the group fly back to Chicago and then return to Cincinnati for more meetings the next day — rather than stay in a non-Four Seasons.

On the company's Challenger jet, Radler stocked pantries with antibiotics and cleaning supplies. And when he arrived in Toronto during the SARS scare, Radler de-planed wearing a surgical mask. "It was a flying pharmacy," said a source. "He'd better be working in the prison laundry."

Stateville Prison/Four Seasons. Been to both. Big difference.

Anyway, as part of Radler's deal, he'll be cooperating with the SEC's case that already has Perle in the crosshairs and which Fitzgerald asked to intervene in this last March.

And to make matters worse, Hollinger's board just censured Perle in an internal company report, and they are reportedly suing him. Fellow board member Henry Kissinger and others settled a $50 million lawsuit with Hollinger shareholders in May, which also delightfully teases that there may criminal charges waiting for that old warmonger, too. But it is Perle who really has his neck in the noose.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Wish I wrote this dept. - -

T'was the night before Fitzmas,
And all through the land,
Not a neo-con was stirring,
Except JimmyJeff's hand.

The indictments were filed,
In the courthouse with care,
In the hopes that Dick Cheney
Soon would be there.

The Bushes were nestled all snug at their ranch,
While America learned and complained of the stench.
And Condi with her Ferragamos, and Scooter in his drawers,
Were drawing up lists of pliable media whores.

When out past the West Wing, there arose such a clatter,
Rove sprung from his desk to see what was the matter.
Away through the door, he sped out like a demon,
As the squad cars pulled up with their sirens a-screamin'.

The autumn night sky made it quite hard to see,
"Oh my God," screamed Turd Blossom,
"They're coming for me!"

When who at the White House front door should arrive,
But Patrick Fitzgerald and five, count 'em! Five--
G-men in gray suits and nice, shiny shoes.
Why they HAD come for Karl,
And they had bad news!

Before charges were read,
Karl fell in a heap,
If you didn't know better,
You'd think he was asleep.

But the jig was now up,
He was hoist by a Plame,
So said Karl, discreetly,
"I'll tell you the names!"

"There was Scooter and Chimpy and Condi and Hadley!"
"And Wolfowitz, too!! (This was going quite badly).
"And Scotty McClellan! He lies like a rug!"
"And Jeff Gannon/Guckert, that lovable lug!"
"And Hastert, DeLay, Abramoff, and Bob Ney..."
"And old Kenny Blackwell fixed elections, OK?"
"Don't forget James Baker, why the whole Carlyle clan"
"They were part of the group! They were in on the plan!"
"And Kathleen Harris, oh Lord, what a shrew!"
"But she delivered the goods and asked, 'Was it good for you, too?'"
"And Doug Feith and Powell knew of our work!"
"So did Don Rumsfeld, that crotchety jerk!"
"Don't forget Judy Miller and Novak, what writers!"
"Why, they had you convinced we supported our fighters!"
"And Doctor James Dobson, why, don't leave him out!"
"Put him in a cell with SpongeBob and then watch him pout!"

"And...", that's when they threw Bush's brain in a car,
They took off quite quickly, left the door quite ajar.
As Karl protested and languished and cried,
Pat Fitzgerald, in the front seat, just rolled his eyes.

"Now Karl, you see, you're not as smart as you think!"
"America's future you conspired to sink!"
"But Americans learned what you do, how you act."
"And they hired me to discover the facts!"

"Now your scheming's for naught, all your efforts have failed!"
"Democracy thrives, while you'll rot in jail!"
"You lied and you stole and you cheated and lied!"
"Why, because of your ego, thousands have died!"

"Now your freedom's in jeopardy, No more Air Force One flights!"
"Merry Fitzmas to all, and to all a good night!"

- Smelly DeCoffee


Tuesday, October 18, 2005


The chart of who has testified before the grand jury.

You can link to it with this URL:

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Thursday, October 13, 2005

Retard Went to Another PHOTO-OP in the Gulf

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

What the troops are doing in New Orleans

New Orleans Police SWAT officer Brian Elc sleeps on a table with his gun within reach as the SWAT team adopted Habans School as their "Camp Victory" and headquarters. Monday, Oct. 10, 2005.

Why do these goons call the school they comandeered "Camp Victory"??

Victory over WHAT????


"From unseemly flatteries they passed by degrees to savage acts."   --   Annals by Tacitus

More Weasle Fun! -
Bush Jr. rap sheet  IDIOT! IDIOT! IDIOT! take that, Nicholas Kristof! Selected Not Elected Squatter! Cant ride a horse either! Those jets STOOD DOWN on 9-11! WEASEL! Lying weasel, usurper lying weasel, idiot usurper lying weasel, weasel weasel!!!

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Chris Floyd's This is Wire Tap - the Source

TREASONGATE - A List of who in the chimp administration is testifying before prosecutor Fitzgerald.

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