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Monday, April 09, 2007

From the article Will Bush Bomb Iran?
there is a quote about president Ahmadinejad and this so-called Holocaust-Denial
Conference he supposedly sponsored.

The Conference was put together by
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of I. R. Iran

not by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of US-puppet-Shah's Iran.

This word 'myth' is in all of the western media reports on the conference.
But take a look at this quote --

"The haredim who attended the conference for investigating the Holocaust in Iran share a common platform with Ahmadinejad when it comes to the so-called myth the Zionist movement created around the Holocaust. They wanted to make it clear in Tehran that Zionism uses the Holocaust as an excuse for the existence of the Zionist state in the Land of Israel," explained Israel Hirsch, a member of Neturei Karta living in the Meah Shaarim neighborhood of Jerusalem.


...and this is what western media will NOT report --
the aim of the conference wasn't to deny Jewish suffering and mass death in Europe at the hands of Nazis --
It was as this guy says -

According to Hirsch, "Because the UN agreed to establish a state because of the Holocaust, the Iranians are claiming something very logical. They aren't saying that there wasn't a Holocaust, but who perpetrated the Holocaust? The Nazis, the Germans. So they should at least pay compensation to the Jewish nation and establish a Jewish state within Germany and not within the land of Israel, which belongs to the Palestinians."

So is Europe ready to pay Palestinians for all the damages their exported refugees caused?
Is Germany ready to cede a lot of land for a Jewish-only state?
But Europe and the west are ready to call Ahmadinejad a nut, a holocaust-denier and an anti-Semite (ding-dong!).

Oh, and after that, we'll take over your country and occupy it too, thank you very much!

By the way - by what power do we get to tell foreign countries what symposiums they han hold?

Here's a selection of a few of our own:

UFO Conference

Psychic Conference Call

Ghost Hunter Conference

you get the picture ....

Can you imagine Italy telling the US you cannot have some health foods fair in Pasadena because it goes against their medical association's recommendations? Or Lithuania saying the some comicbook convention in Milwaukee with a table selling pamphets on reptile aliens is improper and needs to be shut down?

The fanatical Zionists harm to the occupied territories in the Middle East is more worthy of honest discussion than reptiles from Pluto. There isn't a peep of outrage about the Pluto reptiles (and they seem about to take over the world according to the websites I saw!!).

"From unseemly flatteries they passed by degrees to savage acts."   --   Annals by Tacitus

More Weasle Fun! -
Bush Jr. rap sheet  IDIOT! IDIOT! IDIOT! take that, Nicholas Kristof! Selected Not Elected Squatter! Cant ride a horse either! Those jets STOOD DOWN on 9-11! WEASEL! Lying weasel, usurper lying weasel, idiot usurper lying weasel, weasel weasel!!!

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